Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Intellij 8 is here!

    After using Intellij 8 for one hour, I have to say JetBrains raised the bar. What I liked: Extract Method Object Refactoring: Lets you extract an object, where you can’t extract a method, because of multiple return values. I vaguely remember having spent a lot of time doing this manually to castor’s evil 1200 line…

  • JUnit Shortcomings I

    A few days back I wrote a test that used the filesystem. In order to keep my test independant from any particular file layout I usually do something like this: public class SomeFileSystemTest { @Test public void performTest() throws IOException { doStuff(tempDir); … } private File tempDir; @After public void deleteTempDir() throws IOException { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDir);…

  • Es schneit in London

    Man sollte es kaum für möglich halten, aber es schneit:

  • buildobjects 0.1 released

    I have just uploaded the first very alpha release of buildobjects. buildobjects provides building blocks to implement your build process in java. It also introduces the idea of the Tasklet, that might be used for scripting tasks using java.

  • Thread Police for your Unit Tests

    Writing the new ant I stumbled across the problem of test cases leaving threads behind, after returning control to the runner. My trusted colleague and JUnit Runner expert Mark Burnett and I, knocked up a quick and dirty junit runner that actually allows you to spot such a condition. Consider the following testcode: @Test public…

  • Spreadsheet Driven

    I had a quite a few chats these days with people fro a more QAish background. Originally I intended just to look at selenium and webdriver. I showed some of the stuff, which I wrote in Java, to my QA colleagues. I used a demo webapp that implements a phonebook. My testcase just added a…

  • Poor man’s delegates

    When writing Swing applications I find myself quite often in the Situation to write action handling code like this (Why I do write this kind of code is a different albeit also interesting story): public class Handler { Action doMyThing; public Handler() { doMyThing = new AbstractAction(“doMyThing”){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { doMyThing(); } };…

  • Mal wieder: Auflärung, Vernunft und so weiter

    Musste mich heute, mal wieder, ein wenig aufregen. Gerne blickt man ja nach Amerika, wo Aberglaube, Dummheit etc. fröhliche Urstände feiern, um sich dann zu erfreuen wie gut es doch in Europa zugeht. Als kleines Schmankerl sei dieser Artikel aus dem Guardian empfohlen. Der Autor berichtet, dass viele Amerikaner den Verdacht hegen Obama sei in…

  • Holiday in Spain

    Very recently I had the pleasure of exploring Spain. Here are some of my Impressions: I was climbing a bit on the Peñon d’Ifach (the spelling is probably wrong): Futhermore I was seeing Spanish supermarkets. Luckily I stumbled across the following packaging (soy extra grueso). I also went to see my old flatmate Andy from…

  • Macht das Internet Doof?

    So titelte der Spiegel großspurig am 11.8.2008. Ich habe das Heft im Urlaub gekauft, da ich was zu lesen brauchte. Der Titel hat mich schon etwas genervt. Doch es kam noch besser. Den Artikel über das Internet brauchte ich gar nicht zu lesen (habe ich bis heute nicht getan). Stattdessen machte ich mich an einen…

Got any book recommendations?