Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
I’m quite fond of metrics, if they are useful. Today I’ve seen some numbers that were completely useless, so that Novalis came to mind.
Latenight HSQLDB Pleasures
Last night I had to learn that you have to use the SHUTDOWN command to shutdown the in-process HSQLDB. The bad news is, that I knew this before. I found the call in code from three years back.
Gefährder Internieren
Nicht schlecht.
A colleague just pointed me to http://www.soapui.org/. Good stuff.
Eclipse caches Jars
For some time I had this impression that sometimes just copying over stuff to the plugins folder doesn’t necessarily do the trick. So today I found out that there is a cache of jars in eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles. It seems like this is updated when doing an installation from an update site. At some point I have…
Is there an Artifical God?
Needless to say that I skipped the service in the morning. To make up for that I read this speach that the late Douglas Adams delivered in 1999. As usual he made quite a few interesting points.
Summer Reading
I just received the confirmation for my summer reading order from amazon. So this year it will be: Dendelion Wine by Ray Bradbury Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive by Jared Diamond The Long Tail. How Endless Choice Is Creating Unlimited…
My colleague Graham just pointed me to gotapi.com. Interesting stuff.
Alle wollen nach Springfield
Interview mit Matt Groenning in der Süddeutschen.
Targeted Killing
Was ich heute beim Blick ins Internet so lesen musste, lies mir mal wieder ein paar Haare ergrauen! Zuerst will das Merkel die Bundeswehr im Innern einsetzen, jetzt darf auch der Innenminister sich wieder äußern. In was für einer Gesellschaft leben wir eigentlich. Sowas darf man zwar denken (Freiheit und so), aber eigentlich nicht laut…
Got any book recommendations?