Category: Uncategorized
Unablässiges Gerede von Strategien ist das Markenzeichen des schlechten Taktierers.
Jour Fixe Zubehör
Bin schon vor längerem über dieses Design gestolpert. Leider scheint es nicht produziert zu werden.
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
I have just finished reading Michael Feathers’ Working Effectively with Legacy Code. The book gives a lot of very concrete examples of how to improve code and make it testable. To my tastes he is exaggerating the whole code without test is legacy code thing, which in the naïve reader might lead to the impression…
Books to Go
Ab sofort ist der podcast zur neuen hervorragenden “BOOKS TO GO”-Taschenbuchreihe des dtv verfügbar.
No Snowday for me
As indicated earlier I didn’t take a “snowday” off work. Here is a picture of my bike down in aldgate where I worked that day:
Return on Investment
The other day I bought mudguards and put them on my bicycle. I did pay off very well today.
Schöne Wörter
Muss gerade mal festhalten, dass “halbseiden”, “überspannt” und “altbacken” schöne deutsche Wörter sind, die sich so nicht ohne weiteres ins Englische übersetzen lassen.
Es schneit in London
Man sollte es kaum für möglich halten, aber es schneit:
Holiday in Spain
Very recently I had the pleasure of exploring Spain. Here are some of my Impressions: I was climbing a bit on the Peñon d’Ifach (the spelling is probably wrong): Futhermore I was seeing Spanish supermarkets. Luckily I stumbled across the following packaging (soy extra grueso). I also went to see my old flatmate Andy from…
Don’t get knocked up and drink
I found this on my beer bottle the other day: It is consistent with my previous observations about the british being fond of being patronised.