You are wrong! Well in most cases. It seems above the intellectual means of most agile developers (the non-agile developers don’t write tests) to realize that tests like the following are useless and even harmful. It is not giving me anything apart from test sclerosis.
[Test] public void ShouldGetAllByauthorId() { //given var mockRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IContentRepository>(); var authorRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IAuthorRepository>(); var subcategoryRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ISubCategoryRepository>(); var contentService = new ContentService(mockRepository, authorRepository, subcategoryRepository); //when contentService.GetContentByAuthorId(1); //then mockRepository.AssertWasCalled(repository => repository.GetContentByAuthorId(1)); }
A healthy six lines of code to test this:
public IList<Voucher> GetContentByAuthorId(long authorId) { return contentRepository.GetContentByAuthorId(authorId); }
Verdict: Waste in an agile disguise.
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