Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • “Hallmark of the Stupid”-Series – First Instalment – Velocity

    There is a lot of nasty stuff to be said about velocity, but today I complain about it’s stupid whitespace-ridden syntax and it’s equally stupid error messages. I just got this one: Parser Exception: templates/myoldtemplate.vm Encountered “}” at line 19, column 101. Was expecting one of: “,” … “}” … … …

  • A Screen Camera in Java

    Today I wrote a little class that allows to repeatedly capture the screen content and write the result to a flash file. It created a flash video with one frame per second (this is a bit crude) with one frame per screen shot taken. It is based on JavaSWF2 a nice wrapper around the SWF…

  • Implementing Custom Quicksilver Actions

    As it was a nice London day today – wind, rain, sunny spells and a cosy 15?C all that, I spent the day with my Mac learning how to get more out of Quicksilver. I was wondering for some time how to implement my own actions. The task at hand was to have a single…

  • Käse-Ä

    Wenn sich der aktuelle Sprachtrend fortsetzt, wird man den Kindern in der Schule wohl bald sagen müsssen: “Päckchen mit Käse-Ä” – ganz analog zum Vogel-V. Interessant ist, dass die Rechtschreibung den umgekehrten Weg geht, z.B. aufwändig. Man könnte natürlich auch meinen, dass dies die schludrige Aussprache des Äs noch begünstigt.

  • Saving the DRY-Dogma

    Recently (well some time ago, but I am thinking at a leisurely pace) Jay discussed how he thinks, that DRY is not neccessarily the most important thing, when it comes to writing tests. As I a am working on a huge (by agile standards) project for a while now, I feel very dogmatic about DRY,…

  • Don’t get knocked up and drink

    I found this on my beer bottle the other day: It is consistent with my previous observations about the british being fond of being patronised.

  • To Hell with Virtualisation – Updated

    These days virtualisation seems to be all the rage. There are some benefits to it. It’s a way to increase the utilsation of your hardware just as pipelining increases the utilisation of the processor’s execution units. But as pipelining it comes at a price. You might increase the throughput, but the latency gets higher. Furthermore…

  • New Home in Holloway

    After an intense Month of flat-hunting and another month of waiting for broadband I am now fully equipped in my new Holloway house-share. My current commute is about the same as from the oval. But lets show some pictures (note that most of the stuff that is lying around is actually mine). There is a…

  • More Thoughts about Mocking and State

    Steve rightfully asked for the source of the bad feelings we had about about adding a sequential return value feature to Mockito. The issue is that a Mockito stub is stateless, i.e. the value returned depended solely on the parameters being passed in when calling the stub. Statelessness is generally a nice property. It makes…

  • Mocking and Stubbing – When to roll your own?

    Szczepan was kind enough to spent some time with me tonight chatting about his puzzles on whether to include a feature into Mockito that allows a stubbed method to return differently on different calls. Clearly jmock and easymock allow you to chain return values and even pass in callbacks, that the mock evaluates to answer…

Got any book recommendations?