Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Not exactly a consultant hat…
…but still a valuable addition to my professional wardrobe. That helps me being mindful of what I am and what I am not.
What’s missing in Java 7
Assuming Sun manages to get “closures” into Java7 there is still a few things that are lacking. Today I once again ran into the restrictions around annotations. The .Net solution is simply more elegant. The fact that I can’t use arbitrary classes for annotation parameters is arbitrary and promotes widespread abuse of enums. Also that…
Documentation on Presentation Model Pattern
Here some links to the pdf and the sources for my tutorial.
Im Namen der Deutsche Bahn AG…
… begrüße ich Sie ganz herzlich an Bord der Ersatzgarnitur 2809.
Deploying on Windows
I spent the best part of this week on doing remote deployments to a jboss server running on Windows. Don’t ask why I am doing this. But there is an intersting observation about psexec. It doesn’t work reliably when called with redirected io, e.g. from the awesome TeamCity server. Apparently there is a fix, which…
Jour Fixe Zubehör
Bin schon vor längerem über dieses Design gestolpert. Leider scheint es nicht produziert zu werden.
Practices of the Proper Christian Programmer
This post is to announce the publishing of “Divine Code – Practices of the Proper Christian Programmer”. Whilst more or less appropriate commandments have a long standing tradition in software development – one of the first examples being Dijkstra’s famous “Goto Considered Harmful”, little has so far been written about sound practices in God fearing…
Use Jetty!
I was somewhat shocked to learn that a lot of my colleagues are not even aware of the existence of jetty. I have been using it for quite a while. It is the best thing you can do during development – and no jboss is not a good thing it is after all quite similar…
Schön Sperrige Wörter
Lautstand bezeichnet in einer diachronen oder diatopischen Betrachtungsweise das gesamte System von Lauten einer Sprache. Wenn sich der Lautstand, meistens über einen längeren Zeiträume hinweg, verändert, so spricht man von Lautwandel. Oftmals unterscheiden sich Dialekte einer Sprache durch den Lautstand. -Wikipedia
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
I have just finished reading Michael Feathers’ Working Effectively with Legacy Code. The book gives a lot of very concrete examples of how to improve code and make it testable. To my tastes he is exaggerating the whole code without test is legacy code thing, which in the naïve reader might lead to the impression…
Got any book recommendations?