After all the abuse in my previous post, I feel a bit guilty. Luckily Mockito provides a way out of that problem by allowing hamcrest matchers being used to verify arguments. Here we go:
verify(listener).propertyChange( (PropertyChangeEvent)argThat( new HasEqualState( new PropertyChangeEvent(holder, "value", "Old", "New"))));
It is not nice, but it works. Of course I also had to implement the HasEqualState matcher along these lines:
public boolean matches(Object actual) { if (actual == null) return false; if (actual.getClass() != reference.getClass()) // this might be naïve return false; Class clazz = reference.getClass(); for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { field.setAccessible(true); Object refValue = field.get(reference); Object actValue = field.get(actual); if (refValue != actValue) { if (refValue == null || !refValue.equals(actValue)) { return false; } } } return true; }
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