Month: November 2008

  • Test Sclerosis – The Trouble with Unit Tests

    Your typical system, written in a nice object-oriented way performs its task using a number of collaborating objects that send methods to each other. Ignoring some of the complexities like objects actually creating new objects in response to message, we can draw a diagram like the one below: Each arrow represents a method call. Now…

  • Intellij 8 is here!

    After using Intellij 8 for one hour, I have to say JetBrains raised the bar. What I liked: Extract Method Object Refactoring: Lets you extract an object, where you can’t extract a method, because of multiple return values. I vaguely remember having spent a lot of time doing this manually to castor’s evil 1200 line…

  • JUnit Shortcomings I

    A few days back I wrote a test that used the filesystem. In order to keep my test independant from any particular file layout I usually do something like this: public class SomeFileSystemTest { @Test public void performTest() throws IOException { doStuff(tempDir); … } private File tempDir; @After public void deleteTempDir() throws IOException { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDir);…